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Fake Empire

Fake Empire

Non-competitive programs Thematics programs Normandie, cinéma en région

Thursday 12 | 1pm


Wounded on the forehead and with his hands tied, Nino wakes up in his caravan. His wife, Tania, is there with a gun pointed at him, waiting for him to deign to tell her where their child is. Blaming each other, the tone gradually escalates.

Director(s) :
Nancy Tixier

Country :

Year :

Genre :

Duration :

Interpretation :
Frédérique Renda, Frédéric Radepont, Sarkis Pacaci, Andrea Charlot

Scenario :
Nancy Tixier

Original soundtrack :
Jean-Louis Hennequin, Hugo Tejero

Production :
KINOCAEN - Website

Distribution :
Nancy Tixier


Nancy Tixier

An amateur director, Nancy Tixier discovered her need to tell stories and translate emotions into images some fifteen years ago. Surrounded by other film professionals and enthusiasts - thanks in particular to the KinoCaen association, with which she learns the tricks of the trade - she writes, directs or co-directs short fiction films and music videos, both on her own and more often as part of Kino cells.

25th Off-Courts Trouville from September 7 to 13 2024

Practical information :

All festival activities are free and open to all.
Cinema screenings are available free of charge with tickets, which can be collected on the day of the screening from the festival reception.