Creation laboratories overseas
For many years, exchanges have allowed recurring actions internationally where the Studio Off-Courts team, accompanied by audiovisual professionals, have gone to supervise creation laboratories in partner structures.
The goal is simple, to supervise young and old in the production of short films. We provide them with filming and editing equipment. We prefer supervisors who can also offer training: camera, editing, sound, color grading, film music, etc.
Madagascar, Antananarivo
As part of the Dans le cadre des Rencontres du Film Court d’Antananarivo, we developed in 2009, in collaboration with Rozifilms, a creation laboratory on the model of our creation labs. We support the event every year and send one or two representatives from Studio Off with equipment to mentor young Malagasy filmmakers.
Since the beginning of this partnership, our directors have also worked in different regions of the country in collaboration with the Institut français, the Normandy region and/or French high schools
Morocco, Imouzzer
As part of the Festival Cinéma des Peuples, a delegation from the Studio Off supervised a creative laboratory from 2014 to 2019, which was held upstream of the Festival Cinéma des Peuples in Imouzzer.
With the help of young local creators, around fifty people took part each year in educational workshops (Acting, post-production, photography, etc.) and in the production of more than ten films in less than a week, revealed to the audience at an outdoor screening. The Off association provided equipment and professional supervisors.
Haïti, Jacmel
In 2017 and 2018, we initiated a Creation Laboratory in partnership with the Ciné Institute film school. The creation laboratory was followed by a projection tour in the country.
These labs were supervised by French and Quebec participants in collaboration with the Institut français and the OFQJ.
Algeria, Bejaïa
In 2019, a delegation of three representatives from Studio-Off-Courts went to initiate a creation laboratory as part of the Rencontres cinématographiques de Béjaïa. More than twenty initiates and neophytes lent themselves to the film creation process.
Tanzania, Arusha et Dar es Salaam
In 2021, in collaboration with the Alliance Française of Arusha, the French Embassy and the Nafasi Art Space in Dar es Salaam, as part of the Africa 2020 Season, we have set up two creation laboratories in Arusha and in Dar es Salaam. More than 50 participants took part in the workshops and two screenings of short films made on site were presented, one in each city visited. This project is recurrent and several stopovers are already planned.
Togo, Lomé
Off and the festival Emergence in Lomé have collaborated since 2020 as part of the Africa 2020 Season for the first stage of an African tour of short film creation laboratories. The project should be recurring and continue in the future by setting up a creation laboratory to create short films, but also training for emerging professionals.
Africa 2020 continuation
In 2023, Studio Off-Courts is leading a series of creation/training stops following the projects developed as part of the Africa 2020 season. Togo, Tanzania, Madagascar, Algeria, Senegal and Ivory Coast are on the program.