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No Good

No Good

Non-competitive programs Thematics programs Bien dans sa peau

Saturday 7 | 10:30am


Mauricette Bonnarien (27) works as a docent at the port in French Guiana. The rest of the time, she slams. Very uncomfortable with her family name, imposed on her ancestor when slavery was abolished, she is fighting to complete a name change procedure. It's time to make her new surname heard by those around her.

Director(s) :
Adiel Goliot

Country :

Genre :

Duration :

Interpretation :
Miremonde Fleuzin, Vanessa Champlain

Scenario :
Adiel Goliot

Production :
Post-genres productions - Website

Distribution :
Post-genres productions - Website


Adiel Goliot

Screenwriter, director, graduated from the Audiovisual Screenwriting European Conservatory, Adiel directed his first short film NOGOOD in 2022 (21’ - Post-genres productions). Poet, they/he (idem) explores identity and self confidence issues with his own aesthetic definition of a musical. During the writing process, he became aware of his transgender identity and went through a medical and administrative uphill battle to transform his gender to be himself. French slam-poet winner in 2020, and semi-finalist of the slam world competition in 2021, he leads now a writing and slam workshop in prisons and schools. He is developing a new short film about the prison world with Post-genres productions.

25th Off-Courts Trouville from September 7 to 13 2024

Practical information :

All festival activities are free and open to all.
Cinema screenings are available free of charge with tickets, which can be collected on the day of the screening from the festival reception.