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Non-competitive programs Thematics programs Court mais trash

Saturday 7 | 11pm

Sunday 8 | 11pm

Monday 9 | 11pm


After filing a complaint, Sagah is summoned to the police station. But how do you tell the unspeakable when you're suffering from complex post-traumatic stress disorder?

Director(s) :
Gaël Maleux
Maïté Lønne

Country :
France, Belgique

Year :

Genre :

Duration :

Interpretation :
Laura Sépul, Benoît Van Dorslaer

Scenario :
Gaël Maleux, Maïté Lønne, Sonia Delhaye

Production :
Origine Films - Website
Octopods - Website

Distribution :
Origine Films - Website


Gaël Maleux

Trained at the Insas in dramatic interpretation, then at the Gitis in Moscow in directing and acting technique, Gaël Maleux has acted for 15 years on European tours, for Flemish and French-speaking companies: Théâtre national, Varia, Le public, Berlin Berlin, Falk Richter.... For the last 10 years, he has also been working on images from the other side of the camera, creating visuals, posters and art prints for exhibitions with quirky characters (Antwerp, Ghent, Liège, Berlin, Vilnius, etc.). He works in Brussels, Berlin, Vilnius and Zagreb, and sees travel and other cultures as what drives him to discover and explore. Sagah, co-directed with Maité Lonne, is his first short fiction film.

Maïté Lønne

Maïté was born in Oslo in 1992. She arrived in Belgium at the age of one. She studied in Namur to become an educator and works with children who have been abused or have committed offences. She began playing small roles in 2015, notably in Julia Ducournau's Grave and Bertrand Mandico's Conann. That same year, she co-wrote the screenplay for the short film Effet miroir, directed by Sokol Reka. She then went on to train in psycho-traumatology and victimology at ULB, followed by a course in make-up and special effects for the cinema at the Finotto school in 2022. For a number of years now, Maïté has been working as a consultant for institutions and associations on the subject of trafficking and sexual smuggling. She is a frequent contributor to the press, radio, TV and social networks in France and Belgium. Maïté developed a passion for writing at a very early age. She has written several books and short stories, including "Culture pédocriminelle et prostitutionnelle", published by Academia L'harmattan - 2020, "Maltraitances et sévices; humains et animaux", published by Regards Paris - 2023, and her next book, "J'ai survécu", published by Regards Paris, will be released on 7 March 2024. She also visits schools to raise awareness of human trafficking among teenagers, working alongside the Samilia association. In 2021, Maïté was nominated as one of 200 activists from around the world for their social battles and their fight for freedom. This Freedom Prize, awarded by the International Institute of Human Rights and Peace, was received by Gretta Tunberg in 2019. SAGAH, co-directed with Gaël Maleux, is her first drama as a director.

25th Off-Courts Trouville from September 7 to 13 2024

Practical information :

All festival activities are free and open to all.
Cinema screenings are available free of charge with tickets, which can be collected on the day of the screening from the festival reception.