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The Erasers

The Erasers

Competition France 3

Sunday 8 | 6pm

Wednesday 11 | 8:30pm


On the Tour de France, two men have an unusual job. Their job is to erase the sexual, obscene or political signs painted on the roads before the riders and the television crew pass by. On his first day, one of them will have to find a solution to avoid losing his fiancée.

Director(s) :
Frédérick Vin

Country :

Year :

Genre :

Duration :

Interpretation :
Joey Starr, Marc Fraize

Scenario :
Frédérick Vin

Original soundtrack :
Hervé Rakotofiringa

Production :
Dimanche soir - Website

Distribution :
Dimanche soir - Website


Frédérick Vin

Frédérick Vin has worked in a variety of fields, first in the film industry and then in advertising, so that he is familiar with every aspect of the industry: stage manager, assistant director, location scout, editor, producer, photographer, etc. What makes Frédérick special is that he has tackled a different genre with each film. He has worked on social comedy, film noir, tribute films (to Edward Hopper), sensual, almost erotic films for the Canal+ collection "écrire pour un chanteur" (with Jeanne Cherhal), pure comedy and action films. In recent years, Frédérick has devoted himself to writing commissions for television and directed the revival of the Grosse Emission on Comédie +. At the same time, he accompanies students on acting cinema courses at the Cours Florent. Following on from his short films, he developed his first feature films. Two were aborted, but the third, produced by Tabo Tabo and starring Joey Starr, is currently being financed. In the meantime, Frédérick was once again inspired to make a short film when he discovered the existence of the Tour de France erasers. This film enabled him to return to comedy, meet his producer Audrey Guatelli, have the pleasure of working with Marc Fraize and cement his collaboration with Joey Starr.

25th Off-Courts Trouville from September 7 to 13 2024

Practical information :

All festival activities are free and open to all.
Cinema screenings are available free of charge with tickets, which can be collected on the day of the screening from the festival reception.