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Three Screaming Vaginas

Three Screaming Vaginas

Non-competitive programs Thematics programs Bien dans sa peau

Saturday 7 | 10:30am


Three Screaming Vaginas is a short triptych that interweaves three intimate stories. It plunges us into the daily lives of three women, revealing the challenges and splendors of the vaginal experience, with humor and sincerity.

Director(s) :
Alexia Roc

Country :

Year :

Genre :

Duration :

Interpretation :
Alexia Roc

Scenario :
Alexia Roc

Production :

Distribution :
Welcome Aboard - Website


Alexia Roc

Alexia Roc is a 26-year-old Quebec-Haitian screenwriter, director and art director based in Montreal. Her feminist activism and mixed-race background have led her to explore various forms of feminist cinematic experimentation as therapeutic means of redefining and understanding experiences of abuse and trauma.

25th Off-Courts Trouville from September 7 to 13 2024

Practical information :

All festival activities are free and open to all.
Cinema screenings are available free of charge with tickets, which can be collected on the day of the screening from the festival reception.