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France Télévisions Jury

The France Télévisions Young Producer’s Award, endowed with a grant of 30,000 euros to help develop a young production company that has been in business for no more than six years at the time of its official selection at the Trouville Festival, confirms the France Télévisions Group’s commitment and support for the young independent French production sector.
This year’s prize will be awarded to a film in the festival’s official selection for 2022.

Nicolas Dumont


Nicolas Dumont began his career with Jacques Perrin’s production company, Galatée Films. There, he produced several films, including the cinema documentaries “Tabarly” and “L’empire du milieu du sud”. He joined Canal + in 2010 as Director of Acquisitions for French Cinema. In 2018, he was appointed Director of Film Production & French Room Distribution at Studiocanal. He joined forces with Hugo Sélignac to form Chi-Fou-Mi Productions in 2021. His production credits include Romain Cogitore’s “Une zone à défendre”, Nathan Ambrosioni’s “Toni, en famille” and Simon Moutaïrou’s “Ni chaînes ni maîtres”.

Diane Cesbron

Ciné Capital executive director

With a Master 2 in Finance from Dauphine, Diane Cesbron specializes in the financing of film and audiovisual works and companies. After working on the creation of La Banque Postale Images SOFICAs, she worked in the specialized banking department of Fortis Banque, before joining Cofiloisirs in 2008 as Managing Director. She is now Managing Director of Cinécapital. For over 30 years, Cinécapital has been dedicated to financing the film and audiovisual industry, notably through the management of SOFICAs (Sociétés pour le Financement de l’Industrie Cinématographique et Audiovisuelle). Cinécapital also provides consulting services in rights management (evaluation of catalogs and/or production or distribution companies) and offers mandates for the collection and distribution (CAMA) of revenues from the international exploitation of cinematographic and audiovisual works. Cinécapital is a subsidiary of COFILOISIRS, one of the two credit institutions in Europe specializing in film and audiovisual financing.

25th Off-Courts Trouville from September 7 to 13 2024

Practical information :

All festival activities are free and open to all.
Cinema screenings are available free of charge with tickets, which can be collected on the day of the screening from the festival reception.