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Call for entries

Submissions for the next edition are now closed.

See you on July 17 to find out the selection for the 25th edition.



Are you a producer, a distributor or a director?

Have you or are you about to finish a short film?

Our call for entries is open for you!


Registrations are open on the shortfilmdepot platform from April 10th to June 12th.

No inscription outside the platform is allowed.




All types of films are accepted (fiction, documentary, animation, clip…)

All productions must have been produced after January 1st, 2023.

All films must be under 40 minutes.



→ France (film produced by or in France or directed by a French director)

→ Quebec (film produced by or in Quebec or directed by a Quebec director)

→ All shorts received are available to professionals at the International Short Film Market


Complete regulation available here.



Response to the most frequent questions.

My short is longer than 40 minutes, can I still send it?

No, shorts longer than 40 minutes aren’t received or seen.

I already sent my short last year, can I send it again?

No, we did see you short and is not eligible again.

Can I send a work copy?

You can if you can vouch that your short will be ready to be screened by July 28th at last.

Is the registration free?

YES! As mentioned in the regulations: the festival does not charge a registration fee, however the platform requires a stamp (see rate on shortfilmdepot website); in no case the festival can make a promotion (waiver) on this stamp.

Shortfilmdepot ? How does that work?

You do not know shortfilmdepot platform?

This is how to proceed:

→ Go to

→ Create a shortfilmdepot account.

→ Create your short form.

→ Send your short to Festival Off-Courts Trouville in the appropriate section.

→ Once the account created if you struggle or have questions do not hesitate to consult the platform help page.

Must I use Shortfilmdepot platform?

Yes, we receive to many shorts to handle them manually one by one.

How to register to the Short Film Market?

All shorts received are available to accredited professionals (producers, distributors etc.) during the

A question we did not cover?

Do not hesitate to check the regulations below ; if you still can find what you are looking for or need light on some points please email appelafilm(at) with the following object “FAQ Call for Entries – NAME OF SHORT”.

25th Off-Courts Trouville from September 7 to 13 2024

Practical information :

All festival activities are free and open to all.
Cinema screenings are available free of charge with tickets, which can be collected on the day of the screening from the festival reception.